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Tony Gaddis
Decision Structures And Boolean Logic
Programming Exercises
Question:6 | ISBN:9780132576376 | Edition: 2


Change for a Dollar Game
Create a change-counting game that gets the user to enter the number of coins required to make exactly one dollar. The program should prompt the user to enter the number of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. If the total value of the coins entered is equal to one dollar, the program should congratulate the user for winning the game. Otherwise, the program should display a message indicating whether the amount entered was more than or less than one dollar.



Change for a Dollar Game


Pennies = int(input("Enter number of pennies :"))       #enter input number of pennies.
Nickels = int(input("Enter number of Nickels :"))       #enter input number of nickels.
Dimes = int(input("Enter number of Dimes :"))           #enter input number of dimes.
Quarters = int(input("Enter number of Quarters :"))     #enter input number of quarters.
Penny = 0.01                 #assiging penny,nickel,dime,quarter values.
Nickel = 0.05
Dime = 0.10
Quarter = 0.25
Pennies *= Penny          #pennies = pennies * penny (multiplying input value with assigned values)
Nickels *= Nickel
Dimes *= Dime
Quarters *= Quarter
Total = int(Pennies + Nickel + Dimes + Quarters)   #adding all values
print(Total)                                  #display total.
if Total == 1.00 :                                #check whether total is equal to 1 .
    print("Congratulations !\n'You won the game' The amount you entered equals 1 dollar.") #if yes diplay this message.
else:                                                #else total is not equal to 1.
    print("Better luck next time!\n 'you lost.'")       #display this message. 
    if Total >1.00 :                                  # and also check whether the unequaled total is greater than or less than 1. 
        print("The amount you entered is greater than 1 dollar.")    #display corresponding message.




Enter number of pennies :1
Enter number of Nickels :2
Enter number of Dimes :3
Enter number of Quarters :4
Congratulations !
'You won the game' The amount you entered equals 1 dollar.

Enter number of pennies :12
Enter number of Nickels :54
Enter number of Dimes :65
Enter number of Quarters :8
Better luck next time!
 'you lost.'
The amount you entered is greater than 1 dollar.


0 0


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