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Tony Gaddis
Value Returning Functions And Modules
Programming Exercises
Question:8 | ISBN:9780132576376 | Edition: 2


Prime Numbers
A prime number is a number that is only evenly divisible by itself and 1. For example, the number 5 is prime because it can only be evenly divided by 1 and 5. The number 6, however,
is not prime because it can be divided evenly by 1, 2, 3, and 6. Write a Boolean function named is_prime which takes an integer as an argument and
returns True if the argument is a prime number, or False otherwise. Use the function in a program that prompts the user to enter a number and then displays a message indicating
whether the number is prime.



Prime Numbers Python code:

#The method Boolean function named is_prime 
#which takes an integer as an argument and
#returns True if the argument is a prime 
#number, or False otherwise.
def is_prime(number):
    if number < 2:
        return False
    for i in range(2, int(number**0.5) + 1):
        if number % i == 0:
            return False
    return True

# Prompt and read the input from the user
number = int(input("Enter a number: "))

# Checking if the number is prime
if is_prime(number):
    print(number, "is a prime number.")
    print(number, "is not a prime number.")

Executed Output 1:

Enter a number: 15
15 is not a prime number.

Executed Output 2:

Enter a number: 11
11 is a prime number


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