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Tony Gaddis
Dictionaries And Sets
Algorithm Workbench
Question:10 | ISBN:9780132576376 | Edition: 2


Assume each of the variables set1 and set2 references a set. Write code that creates another set containing the elements that are not shared by set1 and set2 and assigns the resulting set to the variable set3 .



# Assuming set1 and set2 are defined and contain the desired sets

# Perform set difference operation to find elements that are not shared by set1 and set2
set3 = set1 - set2

# Print the resulting set


  • set1 and set2 are assumed to be existing sets that you have defined.
  • The set difference operation - is used to find the elements that are present in set1 but not in set2.
  • The resulting set is assigned to the variable set3.
  • Finally, the contents of set3 are printed to display the elements that are not shared by set1 and set2.


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