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Tony Gaddis
Dictionaries And Sets
Programming Exercises
Question:8 | ISBN:9780132576376 | Edition: 2


Name and Email Addresses 
Write a program that keeps names and email addresses in a dictionary as key-value pairs. The program should display a menu that lets the user look up a person’s email address, add a new name and email address, change an existing email address, and delete an existing name and email address. The program should pickle the dictionary and save it to a file when the user exits the program. Each time the program starts, it should retrieve the dictionary from the file and unpickle it.



Name and Email Address Program code:

import pickle

def load_dictionary(file_path):
        with open(file_path, 'rb') as file:
            dictionary = pickle.load(file)
    except FileNotFoundError:
        dictionary = {}
    return dictionary

def save_dictionary(dictionary, file_path):
    with open(file_path, 'wb') as file:
        pickle.dump(dictionary, file)

def display_menu():
    print("1. Look up a person’s email address")
    print("2. Add a new name and email address")
    print("3. Change an email address")
    print("4. Delete a name and email address")
    print("5. Exit")

def look_up_email(dictionary):
    name = input("Enter the name to look up: ")
    if name in dictionary:
        email = dictionary[name]
        print("Email address for {} is: {}".format(name, email))
        print("Name not found.")

def add_new_entry(dictionary):
    name = input("Enter the name: ")
    email = input("Enter the email address: ")
    dictionary[name] = email
    print("Name and email address added.")

def change_email(dictionary):
    name = input("Enter the name for which you want to change the email address: ")
    if name in dictionary:
        new_email = input("Enter the new email address: ")
        dictionary[name] = new_email
        print("Email address changed.")
        print("Name not found.")

def delete_entry(dictionary):
    name = input("Enter the name to delete: ")
    if name in dictionary:
        del dictionary[name]
        print("Name and email address deleted.")
        print("Name not found.")

# File path to store the dictionary
file_path = "dictionary.pickle"

# Load the dictionary from the file
dictionary = load_dictionary(file_path)

# Main program loop
while True:
    choice = input("Enter your choice (1-5): ")

    if choice == "1":
    elif choice == "2":
    elif choice == "3":
    elif choice == "4":
    elif choice == "5":
        # Save the dictionary to the file and exit
        save_dictionary(dictionary, file_path)
        print("Dictionary saved. Exiting the program.")
        print("Invalid choice. Please try again.")

Executed Output:

1. Look up a person’s email address
2. Add a new name and email address
3. Change an email address
4. Delete a name and email address
5. Exit
Enter your choice (1-5): 1
Enter the name to look up: Krish
Name not found.
1. Look up a person’s email address
2. Add a new name and email address
3. Change an email address
4. Delete a name and email address
5. Exit
Enter your choice (1-5): 2
Enter the name: Charless
Enter the email address:
Name and email address added.
1. Look up a person’s email address
2. Add a new name and email address
3. Change an email address
4. Delete a name and email address
5. Exit
Enter your choice (1-5): 2
Enter the name: Krish
Enter the email address:
Name and email address added.
1. Look up a person’s email address
2. Add a new name and email address
3. Change an email address
4. Delete a name and email address
5. Exit
Enter your choice (1-5): 3
Enter the name for which you want to change the email address: Krish
Enter the new email address:
Email address changed.
1. Look up a person’s email address
2. Add a new name and email address
3. Change an email address
4. Delete a name and email address
5. Exit
Enter your choice (1-5): 1
Enter the name to look up: Krish
Email address for Krish is:
1. Look up a person’s email address
2. Add a new name and email address
3. Change an email address
4. Delete a name and email address
5. Exit
Enter your choice (1-5): 4
Enter the name to delete: Krish
Name and email address deleted.
1. Look up a person’s email address
2. Add a new name and email address
3. Change an email address
4. Delete a name and email address
5. Exit
Enter your choice (1-5): 1
Enter the name to look up: Krish
Name not found.
1. Look up a person’s email address
2. Add a new name and email address
3. Change an email address
4. Delete a name and email address
5. Exit
Enter your choice (1-5): 5
Dictionary saved. Exiting the program.


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