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Tony Gaddis
Algorithm Workbench
Question:2 | ISBN:9780132576376 | Edition: 2


Look at the following class definitions:
class Plant:
def __init__(self, plant_type):
self.__plant_type = plant_type
def message(self):
print("I'm a plant.")
class Tree(Plant):
def __init__(self):
Plant.__init__(self, 'tree')
def message(self):
print("I'm a tree.")
Given these class definitions, what will the following statements display?
p = Plant('sapling')
t = Tree()



The result output of the given statements:

I'm a plant.
I'm a tree.


Consider the given class definition is create two classes, Plant and Tree, with inheritance between them.

Take first statement is as follows: 

p = Plant('sapling')
  • This statement creates an instance of the Plant class with the argument 'sapling' passed to the constructor.
  • The __init__ method initializes the __plant_type attribute of the p object with the value 'sapling'

Next, take another statement is as follows:

t = Tree()
  • This statement creates an instance of the Tree class.
  • Since the Tree class doesn't have its own constructor, it inherits the __init__ method from the Plant class. The __init__ method of Tree calls the __init__ method of Plant with the argument 'tree'.
  • This initializes the __plant_type attribute of the t object with the value 'tree'.

Next, take another statement is as follows:

  • This statement calls the message method on the p object.
  • The message method of the Plant class is executed, which prints the message "I'm a plant.".

Next, take final statement is as follows:

  • This statement calls the message method on the t object.
  • The message method of the Tree class is executed, which prints the message "I'm a tree.".

Therefore, the output of the given statements will be display result as:

I'm a plant.
I'm a tree.



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