The Tradition of Sharing

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Tony Gaddis
Programming Exercises
Question:2 | ISBN:9780132576376 | Edition: 2


ShiftSupervisor Class
In a particular factory, a shift supervisor is a salaried employee who supervises a shift. In
addition to a salary, the shift supervisor earns a yearly bonus when his or her shift meets
production goals. Write a ShiftSupervisor class that is a subclass of the Employee class
you created in Programming Exercise 1. The ShiftSupervisor class should keep a data
attribute for the annual salary and a data attribute for the annual production bonus that a
shift supervisor has earned. Demonstrate the class by writing a program that uses a
ShiftSupervisor object.



ShiftSupervisor Class Program code:

# Employee class definition
class Employee:
    def __init__(self, name, emp_number):
        # Initialize data attributes = name
        self.emp_number = emp_number
    # Accessor methods
    def get_name(self):
    def get_emp_number(self):
        return self.emp_number
    # Mutator methods
    def set_name(self, name): = name
    def set_emp_number(self, emp_number):
        self.emp_number = emp_number

# ProductionWorker class definition, subclass of Employee
class ProductionWorker(Employee):
    def __init__(self, name, emp_number, shift_number, hourly_pay_rate):
        # Call superclass constructor to initialize inherited attributes
        super().__init__(name, emp_number)
        # Initialize additional data attributes
        self.shift_number = shift_number
        self.hourly_pay_rate = hourly_pay_rate
    # Accessor methods
    def get_shift_number(self):
        return self.shift_number
    def get_hourly_pay_rate(self):
        return self.hourly_pay_rate
    # Mutator methods
    def set_shift_number(self, shift_number):
        self.shift_number = shift_number
    def set_hourly_pay_rate(self, hourly_pay_rate):
        self.hourly_pay_rate = hourly_pay_rate

# ShiftSupervisor class definition, subclass of Employee
class ShiftSupervisor(Employee):
    def __init__(self, name, emp_number, annual_salary, annual_production_bonus):
        # Call superclass constructor to initialize inherited attributes
        super().__init__(name, emp_number)
        # Initialize additional data attributes
        self.annual_salary = annual_salary
        self.annual_production_bonus = annual_production_bonus
    # Accessor methods
    def get_annual_salary(self):
        return self.annual_salary
    def get_annual_production_bonus(self):
        return self.annual_production_bonus
    # Mutator methods
    def set_annual_salary(self, annual_salary):
        self.annual_salary = annual_salary
    def set_annual_production_bonus(self, annual_production_bonus):
        self.annual_production_bonus = annual_production_bonus

# Create an object of the ShiftSupervisor class and prompt the user to enter data
def main():
    name = input("Enter shift supervisor name: ")
    emp_number = input("Enter shift supervisor employee number: ")
    annual_salary = float(input("Enter annual salary: "))
    annual_production_bonus = float(input("Enter annual production bonus: "))

    # Create ShiftSupervisor object
    supervisor = ShiftSupervisor(name, emp_number, annual_salary, annual_production_bonus)
    # Display the entered data using accessor methods
    print("Shift Supervisor Name:", supervisor.get_name())
    print("Shift Supervisor Employee Number:", supervisor.get_emp_number())
    print("Annual Salary:", supervisor.get_annual_salary())
    print("Annual Production Bonus:", supervisor.get_annual_production_bonus())

# Call the main function to start the program
if __name__ == "__main__":

Executed Output:

Enter shift supervisor name: Peter
Enter shift supervisor employee number: 420
Enter annual salary: 500000
Enter annual production bonus: 10000
Shift Supervisor Name: Peter
Shift Supervisor Employee Number: 420
Annual Salary: 500000.0
Annual Production Bonus: 10000.0


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