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Tony Gaddis
Gui Programming
Programming Exercises
Question:6 | ISBN:9780132576376 | Edition: 2


Joe’s Automotive performs the following routine maintenance services:
• Oil change—$26.00
• Lube job—$18.00
• Radiator flush—$30.00
• Transmission flush—$80.00
• Inspection—$15.00
• Muffler replacement—$100.00
• Tire rotation—$20.00
Write a GUI program with check buttons that allow the user to select any or all of these services. When the user clicks a button the total charges should be displayed.




# import tkinter to create windows app
import tkinter as tk

# Create dictionary to store the prices of each service
service_prices = {
    "Oil change": 26.00,
    "Lube job": 18.00,
    "Radiator flush": 30.00,
    "Transmission flush": 80.00,
    "Inspection": 15.00,
    "Muffler replacement": 100.00,
    "Tire rotation": 20.00

# Create a function named calculate_total().
# This function helps to calcualte the total price.
def calculate_total():
    total = 0.00
    for service, price in service_prices.items():
        if service_vars[service].get():
            total += price

    total_label.config(text=f"Total Charges: ${total:.2f}")

# Create the main window
root = tk.Tk()
root.title("Joe's Automotive")

# Create variables to store the check button selections
service_vars = {}
for service in service_prices:
    service_vars[service] = tk.BooleanVar()

# Create check buttons for each service
for i, (service, price) in enumerate(service_prices.items()):
    tk.Checkbutton(root, text=f"{service} - ${price:.2f}", variable=service_vars[service]).grid(row=i, sticky="w")

# Create the "Calculate Total" button
calculate_button = tk.Button(root, text="Calculate Total", command=calculate_total)
calculate_button.grid(row=len(service_prices), pady=10)

# Create a label to display the total charges
total_label = tk.Label(root, text="Total Charges: $0.00", font=("Arial", 12, "bold"))
total_label.grid(row=len(service_prices) + 1, pady=10)



Sample output:

0 0


Post the discussion to improve the above solution.