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James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross
Transport Layer
Question:31 | ISBN:9780132856201 | Edition: 6


Suppose that the five measured SampleRTT values (see Section 3.5.3) are 106 ms, 120 ms, 140 ms, 90 ms, and 115 ms. Compute the EstimatedRTT after each of these SampleRTT values is obtained, using a value of α = 0.125 and assuming that the value of EstimatedRTT was 100 ms just before the first of these five samples were obtained. Compute also the DevRTT after each sample is obtained, assuming a value of β = 0.25 and assuming the value of DevRTT was 5 ms just before the first of these five samples was obtained. Last, compute the TCP TimeoutInterval after each of these samples is obtained.



Calculate the EstimatedRTT after obtaining the first sample RTT=106ms,

EstimatedRTT = α * SampleRTT+(1- α) * EstimatedRTT

EstimatedRTT =0.125 * 106 + (1-0.125) * 100

                     =0.125* 106 + 0.875 * 100

                     =13.25 + 87.5


Calculate the DevRTT after obtaining the first sample RTT:

DevRTT = β * | SampleRTT- EstimatedRTT|+(1- β)* DevRTT

            =0.25 * |106-100.75| + (1-0.25) *5

            =0.25 *5.25 + 0.75 * 5

            =1.3125 + 3.75



Calculate the Timeout Interval after obtaining the first sample RTT:

TimeoutInterval = EstimatedRTT +4* DevRTT

                        = 100.75 + 4 *5.0625



Calculate the EstimatedRTT after obtaining the second sample RTT=120ms,

EstimatedRTT = α * SampleRTT+(1- α) * EstimatedRTT

EstimatedRTT =0.125 * 120 + (1-0.125) * 100.75

                     =0.125* 120 + 0.875 * 100.75

                     =15 + 88.15625


Calculate the DevRTT after obtaining the second sample RTT:

DevRTT = β * | SampleRTT- EstimatedRTT|+(1- β)* DevRTT

            =0.25 * |120-103.15625| + (1-0.25) *5.0625

            =0.25 *16.84 + 0.75 * 5.0625

            =4.21 + 3.79



Calculate the Timeout Interval after obtaining the second sample RTT:

TimeoutInterval = EstimatedRTT +4* DevRTT

                        = 103.15 + 4 *8


Calculate the EstimatedRTT after obtaining the third sample RTT=140ms:

EstimatedRTT = α * SampleRTT+(1- α) * EstimatedRTT

EstimatedRTT =0.125 * 140 + (1-0.125) * 103.15

                     =0.125* 140 + 0.875 * 103.15

                     =17.5 +90.26


Calculate the DevRTT after obtaining the third sample RTT:

DevRTT = β * | SampleRTT- EstimatedRTT|+(1- β)* DevRTT

            =0.25 * |140-107.75| + (1-0.25) *8

            =0.25 *32.25 + 0.75 * 8

            =8.06 + 6



Calculate the Timeout Interval after obtaining the third sample RTT:

TimeoutInterval = EstimatedRTT +4* DevRTT

                        = 107.75 + 4 *14.06



Calculate the EstimatedRTT after obtaining the fourth sample RTT=90ms:

EstimatedRTT = α * SampleRTT+(1- α) * EstimatedRTT

EstimatedRTT =0.125 * 90 + (1-0.125) * 107.75

                     =0.125* 90 + 0.875 * 107.75

                     =11.25 +94.28


Calculate the DevRTT after obtaining the fourth sample RTT:

DevRTT = β * | SampleRTT- EstimatedRTT|+(1- β)* DevRTT

            =0.25 * |90-105.53| + (1-0.25) *14.06

            =0.25 *15.53 + 0.75 * 14.06

            =3.88 + 10.545



Calculate the Timeout Interval after obtaining the fourth sample RTT:

TimeoutInterval = EstimatedRTT +4* DevRTT

                        = 105.53 + 4 *14.42



Calculate the EstimatedRTT after obtaining the fifth sample RTT=115ms:

EstimatedRTT = α * SampleRTT+(1- α) * EstimatedRTT

EstimatedRTT =0.125 * 115 + (1-0.125) * 105.53

                     =0.125* 115 + 0.875 * 105.53

                     =14.375 +92.34


Calculate the DevRTT after obtaining the fifth sample RTT:

DevRTT = β * | SampleRTT- EstimatedRTT|+(1- β)* DevRTT

            =0.25 * |115-106.715| + (1-0.25) *14.42

            =0.25 *8.285 + 0.75 * 14.42

            =2.07 + 10.815


Calculate the Timeout Interval after obtaining the fifth sample RTT:

TimeoutInterval = EstimatedRTT +4* DevRTT

                        = 106.715 + 4 *12.885


4 0


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