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Linda Null ,julia Lobur
A Closer Look At Instruction Set Architectures
Question:3 | ISBN:9780763704445 | Edition: 3


3. The first two bytes of a 2M 16 main memory have the following hex values:

  • Byte 0 is FE

  • Byte 1 is 01

If these bytes hold a 16-bit two’s complement integer, what is its actual decimal value if:

a) Memory is big endian?

b) Memory is little endian?



From the given information Byte 0=FE and Byte 1= 01, which holds two’s compliment value

a) when we represent the given information in big endian format :

Byte 0

Byte 1





When we convert (01 FE) into binary:(0000 0001 1111 1110)

To get the actual decimal value from the given two’s compliment binary value , we have to perform two’s compliment again for the binary value (since two’s compliment is a self compliment code).

Two’s compliment = one’s compliment +1

One’s compliment (0000 0001 1111 1110) = 1111 1110 0000 0001

two’s compliment = one’s compliment+1   =                               +1
                                                                   = 1111 1110 0000 0010

The decimal equivalent (1111 1110 0000 0010)2 = (65026)10 

b)  when we represent the given information in Little endian format :

Byte 1

Byte 0





When we convert (FE 01) into binary:(1111 1110 0000 0001)

To get the actual decimal value from the given two’s compliment binary value , we have to perform two’s compliment again for the binary value (since two’s compliment is a self compliment code).

Two’s compliment = one’s compliment +1

One’s compliment (1111 1110 0000 0001) = 0000 0001 1111 1110

two’s compliment = one’s compliment+1   =                               +1
                                                                   = 0000 0001 1111 1111

The decimal equivalent (0000 0001 1111 1111)2 = (511)10      

0 0


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