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Linda Null ,julia Lobur
System Software
Review Of Essential Terms And Concepts
Question:6 | ISBN:9780763704445 | Edition: 3


6. Multiprocessor systems can be classified by the way in which they communicate. How are they classified in this chapter?



In the context of multiprocessor systems, communication mechanisms can vary, and systems can be classified based on the way in which processors communicate with each other. Here are some common classifications:

  • Shared Memory Systems: In shared memory systems, processors share a common physical memory, which can be accessed by all processors. This shared memory serves as a communication medium, allowing processors to read from and write to shared data structures. Processors communicate by updating shared variables or using synchronization primitives like locks and semaphores to coordinate access to shared resources.

  • Message Passing Systems: Message passing systems involve processors communicating by explicitly sending and receiving messages. Each processor has its own private memory, and communication is achieved by explicitly sending messages containing data or commands between processors. This can be done through direct memory access or through specialized communication hardware, such as network interfaces. Message passing systems often use message queues or mailboxes to handle the communication between processors.

  • Distributed Memory Systems: In distributed memory systems, each processor has its own private memory, and there is no shared memory accessible by all processors. Processors communicate by explicitly exchanging messages over a network. Data needs to be explicitly copied or transferred between processors to enable communication. Distributed memory systems are often used in large-scale parallel computing, where each processor has its own memory and local processing power.

  • Hybrid Systems: Hybrid systems combine elements of both shared memory and message passing systems. They may consist of multiple shared memory nodes, where processors within each node communicate through shared memory, and different nodes communicate through message passing. Hybrid systems are designed to provide a balance between shared memory convenience and scalability of distributed memory systems.

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