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Linda Null ,julia Lobur
System Software
Review Of Essential Terms And Concepts
Question:7 | ISBN:9780763704445 | Edition: 3


7. How is a distributed operating system different from a networked operating system?



A distributed operating system and a networked operating system are two different concepts, although they are related to each other in the context of computer networks. Here's an explanation of their differences:

Distributed Operating System: A distributed operating system (DOS) is designed to run on a network of interconnected computers and treat them as a single, integrated computing system. It aims to provide transparency and resource sharing across the network, allowing users to access and utilize network resources as if they were local resources. In a distributed operating system, the underlying hardware and software components are abstracted, and the system presents a unified interface to users and applications.

Key features of a distributed operating system include:

  • Transparency: The distributed operating system hides the complexities of the underlying network and presents a transparent view of the distributed resources to users and applications. This includes transparent access to remote files, remote process execution, and remote communication.

  • Resource Sharing: The distributed operating system enables sharing and utilization of resources across the network. This includes sharing of files, devices, computational power, and other resources. Users can access and share resources seamlessly, regardless of their physical location within the network.

  • Fault Tolerance: Distributed operating systems often incorporate fault tolerance mechanisms to ensure system reliability and availability. This involves techniques like redundancy, replication, and error recovery to handle failures in the network or individual nodes.

Networked Operating System: A networked operating system, on the other hand, primarily focuses on facilitating communication and coordination between multiple computers connected in a network. It provides basic networking capabilities and services, such as network protocols, file sharing, and remote access, but it does not necessarily aim to present a unified and transparent view of the network as a whole.

  • A networked operating system typically handles low-level network operations, manages network connections, and provides basic network services to applications running on individual computers. It may include functionalities like network drivers, network protocols (e.g., TCP/IP), and network file systems (e.g., NFS, SMB).
  • In summary, a distributed operating system is designed to provide a unified and transparent view of a networked computing environment, enabling resource sharing and abstracting the complexities of the underlying network. On the other hand, a networked operating system focuses on providing basic networking capabilities and services to individual computers, without necessarily integrating them into a unified system.
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