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Linda Null ,julia Lobur
Performance Measurement And Analysis
Review Of Essential Terms And Concepts
Question:2 | ISBN:9780763704445 | Edition: 3


2. What does Amdahl’s Law tell us about performance optimization?



Amdahl's Law is a principle in computer architecture that helps understand the potential performance improvements that can be achieved by optimizing a specific portion of a system. It provides insights into the impact of improving a particular component on the overall system performance. Amdahl's Law is formulated as follows:

Speedup = 1 / [(1 - P) + (P / S)]


  • Speedup represents the improvement achieved by the optimization (the ratio of the execution time before the optimization to the execution time after the optimization).
  • P represents the proportion of the program or workload that can be enhanced or optimized.
  • S represents the speedup factor achieved by the optimization for the specified proportion of the program.

Amdahl's Law tells us that the overall speedup of a system is limited by the non-optimized portion of the program. Even if a specific part of the program is improved significantly, the overall speedup will be constrained by the remaining non-optimized portion.

Key insights from Amdahl's Law include:

  • Importance of Optimizing the Right Parts: Amdahl's Law emphasizes the importance of identifying the most critical and time-consuming parts of a program to focus optimization efforts. Improving components that have a significant impact on the overall execution time will yield the most substantial performance gains.

  • Diminishing Returns: As the optimized portion (P) increases, the potential speedup diminishes. There is a limit to how much performance improvement can be achieved by optimizing a specific portion of the program. Eventually, the non-optimized portion dominates the overall execution time, limiting the speedup.

  • Balance between Effort and Gains: Amdahl's Law helps in making informed decisions about where to invest optimization efforts. It highlights the trade-off between the resources expended on optimizing a particular portion of the program and the resulting overall speedup. The law suggests that focusing disproportionately on optimizing a small fraction of the program may not lead to significant overall performance gains.

  • System-Level Optimization: Amdahl's Law encourages a holistic approach to performance optimization. It recognizes that improving the overall system performance requires considering the entire program or workload and addressing bottlenecks and inefficiencies throughout the system, rather than focusing solely on isolated components.

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