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Linda Null ,julia Lobur
Data Structures And The Computer
Question:14 | ISBN:9780763704445 | Edition: 3


14. Which of the data structures discussed in this appendix would be the best for creating a dictionary that would be used by a spelling checker within a word processor?



For creating a dictionary that would be used by a spelling checker within a word processor, a hash table would be the most suitable data structure.

  • A hash table provides efficient lookup and insertion operations, which are essential for a spelling checker to quickly search for words and suggest corrections. The key advantage of a hash table is its ability to provide constant-time average-case performance for search, insertion, and deletion operations when the hash function is well-designed and the load factor is kept within an acceptable range.
  • In the context of a spelling checker, the hash table can be used to store the dictionary words, where each word is mapped to a unique hash value based on its key (the word itself). During spell checking, the word processor can use the hash table to quickly determine if a given word is present in the dictionary or not.
  • The hash table allows for efficient storage and retrieval of words, even for large dictionaries, making it suitable for a word processor's spelling checker. It can handle the dynamic nature of a dictionary, accommodating additions and deletions of words as the dictionary is updated or customized.
  • Additionally, hash tables can support efficient collision handling mechanisms, such as separate chaining or open addressing, to handle cases where different words map to the same hash value.

Overall, the use of a hash table as a data structure for the dictionary in a spelling checker provides fast word lookup and efficient spell checking operations, making it a strong choice for this specific application.

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