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Walter Savitch ,kenrick Mock
Parameters And Overloading
Programming Projects
Question:13 | ISBN:9780132846813 | Edition: 5


You would like to know how fast you can run in miles per hour. Your treadmill will tell you your speed in terms of a pace (minutes and seconds per mile, such as “5:30 mile”) or in terms of kilometers per hour (kph). Write an overloaded function called convertToMPH . The first definition should take as input two integers that represent the pace in minutes and seconds per mile and return the speed in mph as a double. The second definition should take as input one double that represents the speed in kph and return the speed in mph as a double. One mile is approximately 1.61 kilometers. Write a driver program to test your function.



Program code:

//Header section
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//Function definition of convertToMPH with two arguments
double convertToMPH(int minutes, int seconds) 
    // Calculate the total time in seconds per mile
    int totalSeconds = minutes * 60 + seconds;
    // Calculate the speed in miles per hour
    double mph = 3600.0 / totalSeconds;
    return mph;
//Function definition of convertToMPH with a single argument
double convertToMPH(double kph)
    // Convert kilometers per hour to miles per hour
    double mph = kph / 1.61;
    return mph;
//Program starts with a main method
int main()
    // Testing the first definition of convertToMPH
    int paceMinutes = 5;
    int paceSeconds = 30;
    double speed1 = convertToMPH(paceMinutes, paceSeconds);
    cout << "Speed in mph (pace): " << speed1 << endl;

    // Testing the second definition of convertToMPH
    double kphSpeed = 12.0;
    double speed2 = convertToMPH(kphSpeed);
    cout << "Speed in mph (kph): " << speed2 << endl;

    return 0;


Speed in mph (pace): 10.9091
Speed in mph (kph): 7.45342


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