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Walter Savitch ,kenrick Mock
Programming Projects
Question:8 | ISBN:9780132846813 | Edition: 5


A savings account typically accrues savings using compound interest. If you deposit $1000 with a 10% interest rate per year, after one year you will have $1100. If you leave this money in the account for another year at 10% interest, you will have $1210. After three years you will have $1331, and so on.

Write a program that inputs the initial amount, an interest rate per year, and the number of years the money will accrue compound interest. Write a recursive function that calculates the amount of money that will be in the savings account using the input information.

To verify your function, the amount should be equal to P(1+i)n, where P is the amount initially saved, i is the interest rate per year, and n is the number of years.




//Header section
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
// Recursive function to calculate the amount with compound interest
double calculateCompoundInterest(double initial_amount, double interest_rate, int num_years)
    // Base case: if no years left, return the initial amount
    if (num_years == 0)
        return initial_amount;

    // Recursive case: calculate the amount after one year with compound interest
    double amount_after_one_year = initial_amount * (1 + interest_rate);
    // Recur for (num_years - 1) to calculate the amount after the remaining years
    return calculateCompoundInterest(amount_after_one_year, interest_rate, num_years - 1);

int main()
    //Declare variables
    double initial_amount, interest_rate;
    int num_years;

    // Input the initial amount, interest rate, and number of years
    cout << "Enter the initial amount: $";
    cin >> initial_amount;
    cout << "Enter the interest rate per year (in decimal): ";
    cin >> interest_rate;
    cout << "Enter the number of years: ";
    cin >> num_years;

    // Calculate the amount using the recursive function
    double amount = calculateCompoundInterest(initial_amount, interest_rate, num_years);

    // Output the result
    cout << "The amount after " << num_years << " years is: $" << amount << endl;

    return 0;


Enter the initial amount: $50000
Enter the interest rate per year (in decimal): 2
Enter the number of years: 10
The amount after 10 years is: $2.95245e+09


0 0


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