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Walter Savitch ,kenrick Mock
Polymorphism And Virtual Functions
Programming Projects
Question:5 | ISBN:9780132846813 | Edition: 5


The following shows code to play a guessing game in which two players attempt to guess a number. Your task is to extend the program with objects that represent either a human player or a computer player.

bool checkForWin(int guess, int answer)


if (answer == guess)


cout << "You're right! You win!" << endl;

return true;


else if (answer < guess)

cout << "Your guess is too high." << endl;


cout << "Your guess is too low." << endl;

return false;


void play(Player &player1, Player &player2)


int answer = 0, guess = 0;

answer = rand( ) % 100;

bool win = false;

while (!win)


cout << "Player 1's turn to guess." << endl;

guess = player1.getGuess( );

win = checkForWin(guess, answer);

if (win) return;

cout << "Player 2's turn to guess." << endl;

guess = player2.getGuess( );

win = checkForWin(guess, answer);



The play function takes as input two Player objects. Define the Player class with a virtual function named getGuess(). The implementation of Player::getGuess() can simply return 0. Next, define a class named HumanPlayer derived from Player. The implementation of HumanPlayer::getGuess() should prompt the user to enter a number and return the value entered from the keyboard. Next, define a class named ComputerPlayer derived from Player. The implementation of ComputerPlayer::getGuess( ) should randomly select a number from 0 to 100. Finally, construct a main function that invokes play(Player &player1, Player &player2) with two instances of a HumanPlayer (human versus human), an instance of a HumanPlayer and ComputerPlayer (human versus computer), and two instances of ComputerPlayer (computer versus computer).


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