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Walter Savitch ,kenrick Mock
Standard Template Library
Programming Projects
Question:5 | ISBN:9780132846813 | Edition: 5


Continuing Programming Project 19.4, write a function that separates the students in the vector of StudentInfo records into two vectors, one containing records of passing students and one containing records of failing students. (Use a grade of 60 or better for passing.)

You are asked to do this in two ways, and to give some run-time estimates.

a. Consider continuing to use a vector. You could generate a second vector of passing students and a third vector of failing students. This keeps duplicate records for at least some of the time, so do not do it that way. You could create a vector of failing students and a test-for-failing function. Then you push_back failing student records, then erase (which is a member function) the failing student records from the original vector. Write the program this way.

b. Consider the efficiency of this solution. You are potentially erasing O ( N ) members from the middle of a vector. You have to move a lot of members in this case. Erase from the middle of a vector is an O ( N ) operation. Give a big-O estimate of the running time for this program.

c. If you used a list<StudentInfo>, what is the run time for the erase and insert functions? Consider how the time efficiency of erase for a list affects the runtime for the program. Rewrite this program using a list instead of a vector. Remember that a list provides neither indexing nor random access, and its iterators are only bidirectional, not random access.


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