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Walter Savitch ,julia Lobur
Introduction To Computers And C++ Programming
Programming Projects
Question:4 | ISBN:9780321531346 | Edition: 7


Modify the C++ program that you entered in Programming Project 1. Change the multiplication sign * in your C++ program to an addition sign +.

Recompile and run the changed program. Notice that the program compiles and runs perfectly fine, but the output is incorrect. That is because this modification is a logic error.



Modified program code:

//Header file
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

//main function
int main( ) 
	//Variable declaration
	int number_of_pods, peas_per_pod, total_peas;
	//Prompt the message, Hello

	//Prompt the user to enter input
	cout << "Press return after entering a number.";
	cout << "Enter the number of pods:";
	cin >> number_of_pods;
	cout << "Enter the number of peas in a pod:";
	 cin >> peas_per_pod;
	//Calculation part by using division symbole
	 total_peas = number_of_pods + peas_per_pod;
	 //Display output
	cout << "If you have ";
	 cout << number_of_pods;
	cout << " pea pods ";
	cout << "and ";
	cout << peas_per_pod;
	cout << " peas in each pod, then ";
	cout << "you have ";
	cout << total_peas;
	cout << " peas in all the pods. ";

	return 0;




Press return after entering a number.Enter the number of pods:100
Enter the number of peas in a pod:250
If you have 100 pea pods and 250 peas in each pod, then you have 350 peas in all the pods. 
0 0


Post the discussion to improve the above solution.