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William Stallings
Computer And Network Security Concepts
Review Questions
Question:1 | ISBN:9781292158587 | Edition: 7


What is the OSI security architecture?



OSI Security Architecture is an International Standard model/outline for evaluating the security aspects of an organization. It’s like a blueprint for securing the data of a company.

Several of the key concepts are outlined in the OSI security architecture, even though they are abstract


Security attacks, mechanisms, and services are the core components of OSI security architecture. 


Below are the brief explanations for these components.


  1. Security attack: A breach of security of information owned by an organization.
  2. Security mechanism: A system (or device incorporating such a system) that detects, prevents, or recovers from a security intrusion.
  3. Security service: Processing or communication services that ensure the data processing systems and data transfers of an organization are secure. In order to provide these services, the services make use of one or more security mechanisms.


The OSI architecture helps the security managers of an organization in assessing the requirements, choosing security products and policies. 

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