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Anany Levitin
1.2 Exercise
Question:6 | ISBN:9780132316811 | Edition: 3


Describe the algorithm used by your favorite ATM machine in dispensing cash. (You may give your description in either English or pseudocode, whichever you find more convenient.)



One possible algorithm used by an ATM machine in dispensing cash can be described is as follows:

  1. Read the customer's input:

    • Prompt the customer to enter the desired amount of cash to withdraw.
    • Read and validate the input to ensure it is a valid numerical value.
  2. Check the availability of funds:

    • Verify if the ATM has sufficient funds to fulfill the withdrawal request.
    • If the ATM does not have enough funds, display an error message and end the transaction.
  3. Determine the denominations:

    • Determine the optimal combination of denominations to dispense the requested amount.
    • Start with the highest denomination and progressively move to lower denominations.
  4. Calculate the number of bills for each denomination:

    • Divide the requested amount by the value of each denomination to determine the number of bills needed for that denomination.
    • Subtract the dispensed amount for each denomination from the requested amount.
  5. Dispense the cash:

    • Begin the cash dispensing process by activating the appropriate mechanisms.
    • For each denomination, dispense the calculated number of bills.
    • Display appropriate messages indicating the amount of cash being dispensed and the denominations used.
  6. Update the ATM balance:

    • Subtract the dispensed amount from the ATM's available balance.
    • Store the updated balance for future transactions.
  7. End the transaction:

    • Display a message indicating the successful completion of the transaction.
    • Prompt the customer if they require any additional services.
    • If not, return the ATM to the initial state and wait for the next customer.
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