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Walter Savitch ,kenrick Mock
C++ Basics
Programming Projects
Question:6 | ISBN:9780132846813 | Edition: 5


An employee is paid at a rate of $16.78 per hour for regular hours worked in a week. Any hours over that are paid at the overtime rate of one and one-half times that. From the worker’s gross pay, 6% is withheld for Social Security tax, 14% is withheld for federal income tax, 5% is withheld for state income tax, and $10 per week is withheld for union dues. If the worker has three or more dependents, then an additional $35 is withheld to cover the extra cost of health insurance beyond what the employer pays. Write a program that will read in the number of hours worked in a week and the number of dependents as input and that will then output the worker’s gross pay, each withholding amount, and the net take-home pay for the week.



//Include header files for running C++ program
using namespace std;
//main function
int main()
    //Variables declaration 
	int numHoursWorked;
    int numOfDependents;
	double workersGrossPay;
	char programerChoice;
    //do-while loop repeats the program multiple times 
    //as per programmer choice
      // Read in the number of hours worked in a week 
      //and the number of dependents as input   
	  cout<<" Please enter number of hours worked per week: ";
	  cout<<"Please enter number of dependents : ";

     //Calculate grosspay of the worker as per given question
	 workersGrossPay =  numHoursWorked>40?((40 * 16.78)
       +  (numHoursWorked-40)*(16.78*1.5)): (numHoursWorked*16.78);

     //Output the worker’s gross pay, each withholding amount,
     // and the net take-home pay for the week
	 cout<<" Worker\'s gross pay :";
    cout<<" Withhold amount  for state income tax= "
	    <<(.05 * workersGrossPay)<<"\n";
	 cout<<" Withhold amount for Social security tax = "
	       <<(.06* workersGrossPay)<<"\n";
    cout<<" Withhold amount  for federal income tax = "
	     <<(.14* workersGrossPay)<<"\n";
	cout<<" Withhold amount  for union dues= $ 10 "<<"\n";
	if(numOfDependents >= 3)
	cout<<" Withhold amount  for insurance cost $35\n";
		 workersGrossPay -= 35;
	cout<<" Net amount take-home pay for the week  ";
	cout<<(workersGrossPay*(1-0.06 - 0.05-0.14) - 10)<<endl;
	cout<<"Press 'Y or y' for repeat again, otherwise press any character: ";
	}while(programerChoice =='y' || programerChoice =='Y');


Output 1 of the program code:

Please enter number of hours worked per week: 40                                                                                           
Please enter number of dependents : 2                                                                                                       
 Worker's gross pay : Withhold amount  for state income tax= 33.56                                                                          
 Withhold amount for Social security tax = 40.272                                                                                           
 Withhold amount  for federal income tax = 93.968                                                                                           
 Withhold amount  for union dues= $ 10                                                                                                      
 Net amount take-home pay for the week  493.4                                                                                               
Press 'Y or y' for repeat again, otherwise press any character: y                                                                           
 Please enter number of hours worked per week: 54                                                                                           
Please enter number of dependents : 4                                                                                                       
 Worker's gross pay : Withhold amount  for state income tax= 51.179                                                                         
 Withhold amount for Social security tax = 61.4148                                                                                          
 Withhold amount  for federal income tax = 143.301                                                                                          
 Withhold amount  for union dues= $ 10                                                                                                      
 Withhold amount  for insurance cost $35                                                                                                    
 Net amount take-home pay for the week  731.435                                                                                             
Press 'Y or y' for repeat again, otherwise press any character: n

Output 2 of the program code:

Please enter number of hours worked per week: 48                                                                                           
Please enter number of dependents : 4                                                                                                       
 Worker's gross pay : Withhold amount  for state income tax= 43.628                                                                         
 Withhold amount for Social security tax = 52.3536                                                                                          
 Withhold amount  for federal income tax = 122.158                                                                                          
 Withhold amount  for union dues= $ 10                                                                                                      
 Withhold amount  for insurance cost $35                                                                                                    
 Net amount take-home pay for the week  618.17                                                                                              
Press 'Y or y' for repeat again, otherwise press any character: n 


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