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Walter Savitch ,julia Lobur
More Flow Of Control
Self-test Exercises
Question:1 | ISBN:9780321531346 | Edition: 7


Determine the value, true or false, of each of the following Boolean expressions, assuming that the value of the variable count is 0 and the value of the variable limit is 10. Give your answer as one of the values true or false.

a. (count == 0) && (limit < 20)

b. count == 0 && limit < 20

c. (limit > 20) || (count < 5)

d. !(count == 12)

e. (count == 1) && (x < y)

f. (count < 10) || (x < y)

g. !( ((count < 10) || (x < y)) && (count >= 0) )

h. ((limit/count) > 7) || (limit < 20)

i. (limit < 20) || ((limit/count) > 7)

j. ((limit/count) > 7) && (limit < 0)

k. (limit < 0) && ((limit/count) > 7)

l. (5 && 7) + (!6)



  1. True

  2. True

  3. True

  4. True

  5. False

  6. True

  7. False

  8. An error message produced

  9. True

  10. An error message produced

  11. False

0 0


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