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Barbara Dolye
Methods And Behaviors
Question:23 | ISBN:9781285096261 | Edition: 4


What will be produced from the following predefined Math class method calls?
a. Console.WriteLine(Math.Abs(-98887.234));
b. Console.WriteLine(Math.Pow(4,3));
c. Console.WriteLine(Math.Sign(-56));
d. Console.WriteLine(Math.Sqrt(81));
e. Console.WriteLine(Math.Min(-56, 56));




The method call " Math.Abs(-98887.234)"  is "Abs" function under the Math Class.

  • This "Abs"  function is used to return the absolute value of a specified number.
  • It returns the 32-bit signed integer say r, such that 0 ≤ r ≤ Int32.
  • The statement "Console.WriteLine" print the result on screen. 

So, the statement Console.WriteLine(Math.Abs(-98887.234)) displays the output result is 98887.234


The method call "Math.Pow(4,3) " used "pow" function. 

  • This 'pow'  function is used to compute a number raise to the power of some other number. 
  • Here pow(4,3)=44=64. 
  • The statement "Console.WriteLine" prints the result on screen. 

So, the statement Console.WriteLine(Math.Pow(4,3)) displays the output result is 64.


The method call "Math.Sign(-56) "  used "sign" function.

  • This 'sign' function returns the integer that specifies the sign of a 32-bit signed integer.
  • The statement "Console.WriteLine" display the result on screen.   

So, the statement Console.WriteLine(Math.Sign(-56))  display the output result is -1.


The method call " Console.WriteLine(Math.Sqrt(81)); " used "Sqrt" function.

  • This "sqrt" function is used to compute the square root of the specified number. \sqrt{81}=9.
  • The statement "Console.WriteLine" display the result on screen. 

So, the statement "Console.WriteLine(Math.Sqrt(81))" displays the output result is 9.


The method call "Math.Min(-56, 56)" is used "Min" function.

  • This "Min" function is used to returns the smaller of the two specified numbers.
  • Here, Min(-56, 56) returns minimum value, -56.
  • The statement "Console.WriteLine" display the result on screen. 

So, the statement "Console.WriteLine( Math.Min(-56, 56) )" displays the output result is -56.



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