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Barbara Dolye
Advanced Object-oriented Programming Features
Programming Exercises
Question:2 | ISBN:9781285096261 | Edition: 4


Select two types of sporting teams and define subclasses for them. These
classes should inherit from a base team class such as that created in Exercise
1. Include unique characteristics about the sport. For example, for a sporting
team such as a tennis team, the field location and/or the person to contact to
restring rackets may be of interest. Be sure to implement any virtual
methods included in the base class. Provide ToString( ) methods in
both subclasses that invokes the ToString( ) method in the base class
and adds unique characteristics about the individual team to the return value.


Sorry the answer is not available at the moment…

If you are able to find the answer, please make sure to post it here. So that your Juniors have smile on their lips and feel happy.

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