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Y Daniel Lang
And Classes
Check Point
Question:2 | ISBN:978013274719 | Edition: 6


How do you define a class?



In programming, a class is a blueprint for creating objects (instances) that have similar properties and behaviors. It serves as a template or a set of instructions for creating objects of a certain type.

A class in most programming languages typically consists of the following components:

  • Class name: The name that identifies the class and distinguishes it from other classes.
  • Properties/Attributes: These are variables that define the characteristics or state of an object. Each object created from the class will have its own set of values for these properties.
  • Methods/Functions: These are functions defined within the class that define the behavior or actions that objects of the class can perform. Methods can manipulate the object's properties or perform other operations.
  • Constructors: A special method that is automatically called when an object is created from the class. It is responsible for initializing the object's properties and performing any necessary setup.
  • Access modifiers: These are keywords that control the visibility and accessibility of the class members (properties and methods). Common access modifiers include public, private, and protected.
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