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Y Daniel Lang
Programming Excercises
Question:13 | ISBN:978013274719 | Edition: 6


(Find the number of uppercase letters in a string) Write a recursive function to return the number of uppercase letters in a string using the following function headers:
def countUppercase(s):
def countUppercaseHelper(s, high):
Write a test program that prompts the user to enter a string and displays the number of uppercase letters in the string.



Find the number of uppercase letters in a string Program Code:

#Recursive function 'countUppercase' accepts string parameter 's' 
#to count the number of uppercase letters in a string.
def countUppercase(s):
    return countUppercaseHelper(s, len(s) - 1)

#Recursive helper function 'countUppercaseHelper' accepts string 's'
# and hihest index 'high' to count the number of uppercase letters in a string.
def countUppercaseHelper(s, high):
    # Base case: If the highest index is less than 0, we have checked all characters.
    if high < 0:
        return 0

    # Recursive case: Check if the character at the current index is uppercase.
    # If it is, increment the count by 1 and recursively call countUppercaseHelper
    # with the previous index.
    count = countUppercaseHelper(s, high - 1)
    if s[high].isupper():
        count += 1
    return count

# Prompt the user for input
s = input("Enter a string: ")

# Count the number of uppercase letters in the string
uppercase_count = countUppercase(s)

# Display the result
print(f"The number of uppercase letters in the string is: {uppercase_count}")

Executed Output:

Enter a string: Hello Python WORLD
The number of uppercase letters in the string is: 7


0 0


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