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William Stallings
Advanced Encryption Standard
Review Questions
Question:4 | ISBN:9781292158587 | Edition: 7


What is the purpose of the State array?



The State array is a crucial component in the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm. It serves as an intermediate data structure used in the encryption and decryption processes. The purpose of the State array is to store and manipulate the data during various stages of the AES cipher operations.

In AES, the State array is a 4x4 matrix of bytes, where each element represents a single byte of data. The State array is modified in each round of the AES encryption and decryption processes, undergoing a series of transformations.

During the encryption process, the State array initially stores the input plaintext. It undergoes four main operations in each round: SubBytes, ShiftRows, MixColumns, and AddRoundKey. These operations involve substitution, shifting, mixing, and XORing with the round key, respectively. The State array is modified after each round, with the final round producing the encrypted ciphertext.

During the decryption process, the State array stores the input ciphertext. The inverse operations of the encryption process (InvSubBytes, InvShiftRows, InvMixColumns) are performed on the State array in reverse order, along with XORing with the round key, to obtain the original plaintext.

The State array acts as a temporary storage and working area for the data transformations performed in each round. It allows for efficient and systematic manipulation of the input data, ensuring the desired diffusion and confusion properties of the AES algorithm.

In summary, the State array in AES serves as a central data structure that holds and manipulates the plaintext or ciphertext during the encryption and decryption processes. It facilitates the step-by-step transformation of the data using various operations, resulting in secure encryption and decryption operations.

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