The Tradition of Sharing

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To start with, Sr2Jr’s first step is to reduce the expenses related to education. To achieve this goal Sr2Jr organized the textbook’s question and answers. Sr2Jr is community based and need your support to fill the question and answers. The question and answers posted will be available free of cost to all.


Shelly Cashman Series, Jessica Minnick
Enhancing A Website With Links And Images
Consider This: Your Turn
Question:2 | ISBN:9781305578166 | Edition: 8


2. Create the Home Page for a Web Development and Consulting Business
Part 1: In Chapter 2, you completed a wireframe and site map for the web development firm
website in the webdev.html webpage. In this exercise, you will update that page with content
and HTML tags. Submit your assignment in the format specified by your instructor.
Validate and correct your webpage, spell check the content, and submit your assignment in the
format specified by your instructor.
1. Save the webdev.html page as index.html because it will serve as your home page for
    this site.
2. Add an img tag as the first line in the header section using the company logo stored in
    the Data Files for Students as webdevpros.jpg with the following attribute values:

     alt="WebDevPros logo"

3. In the nav section, create an unordered list of links to future pages that link to index
    .html, services.html, testimonials.html, aboutus.html, and contactus.html.

4. To make sure the webpage will render successfully in all browsers, identify the main section
    using the <div id="main"> and </div> tags versus <main> and </main>.
5. Save the page and then save it with the name services.html.
6. In the services.html page, create content in the <div id="main"> section using this text within
     <p>...</p> tags:
     WebDevPros offers a full stack of web development services
     from front-end webpage design and development through back-end
     e-commerce solutions. Our development principles consider these web
     development strategies:
7. In the services.html page, below the paragraph in the <div id="main"> section, create a
    description list of five principles of web development that start with these three terms. Code
    the phrases as data terms using <dt>...</dt> tags and their definitions using <dd>...</dd> tags.

     Term: Separation of presentation, content, and behavior where prudent
     Definition: Striving to use html to describe the structure of content,
     external css style sheets to style and position the content, and
     external JavaScript files to create interactions between the webpage and the user.
Term: Responsive Web Design
Definition: Building websites to provide an optimal viewing experience across a wide range of devices.
Term: Progressive Enhancement
Definition: Designing websites using a layered approach that provides basic content and

  functionality to all users while providing enhanced functionality to those using advanced technology.
(Add two more terms and definitions that relate to web development.)

Part 2: In Chapter 2, you contacted a web development consulting frm to interview them about
a successful project to showcase as content on your home page. Open the index.html page and save
it as testimonials.html. Delete the existing content in the <div id="main"> section. Using
information from your interview, create a three- or four-sentence testimonial from a satisfied
customer and enter it within paragraph tags within the <div id="main"> section. The testimonial
will be fictitious, but strive to make it professional and realistic.
Consider This: Your Turn continued
Validate and correct your webpages, spell check the content, and check the links between the index.
html, testimonial.html, and services.html pages. Submit your assignment in the format specified by
your instructor.


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