One way to measure the amount of energy that is expended during exercise is to use metabolic equivalents (MET). Here are some METS for various activities: Running 6 MPH: 10 METS
Basketball: 8 METS
Sleeping: 1 MET
The number of calories burned per minute may be estimated using the formula Calories/Minute = 0.0175 × 1 MET × (Weight in kilograms)
Write a program that inputs a subject’s weight in pounds, the number of METS for an activity, and the number of minutes spent on that activity, and then out- puts an estimate for the total number of calories burned. One kilogram is equal to 2.2 pounds.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
const double KILOGRAMS_PER_POUND = 2.2;
double weightInPounds;
int numberOfMETs;
int numberOfMinutesSpent;
double weightInKilograms;
double numberOfCaloriesBurnedPerMinute;
cout << "Enter the weight in pounds: ";
cin >> weightInPounds;
cout << "Enter the number of METS: ";
cin >> numberOfMETs;
cout << "Enter the number of minutes spent: ";
cin >> numberOfMinutesSpent;
weightInKilograms = weightInPounds / KILOGRAMS_PER_POUND;
numberOfCaloriesBurnedPerMinute = 0.0175 * numberOfMETs * weightInKilograms * numberOfMinutesSpent;
cout << "Total number of calories burned: " << numberOfCaloriesBurnedPerMinute << endl;
return 0;
Enter the weight in pounds: 150
Enter the number of METS: 9
Enter the number of minutes spent: 30
Total number of calories burned: 322.159