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Walter Savitch ,kenrick Mock
Exception Handling
Programming Projects
Question:4 | ISBN:9780132846813 | Edition: 5


The following code uses two arrays, one to store products and another to store roduct IDs (a better organization would be to use a single array of a class or struct, but that is not the subject of this Programming Project). The function getProductID takes as input the two arrays, the length of the arrays, and a target product to search for. It then loops through the product name array; if a match is found, it returns the corresponding product ID:

int getProductID( int ids[], string names[], int numProducts, string target)


for ( int i=0; i < numProducts; i++)


if (names[i] == target)

return ids[i];


return -1; // Not found


int main() // Sample code to test the getProductID function


int productIds[] = {4, 5, 8, 10, 13};

string products[] = {"computer","flash drive",


cout << getProductID(productIds, products, 5, "mouse") << endl;

cout << getProductID(productIds, products, 5, "camera") << endl;

cout << getProductID(productIds, products, 5, "laptop") << endl;

return 0;


One problem with the implementation of the getProductID function is that it returns the special error code of -1 if the target name is not found. The caller might ignore the -1, or later we might actually want to have -1 as a valid product ID number. Rewrite the program so that it throws an appropriate exception when a product is not found instead of returning -1.



Complete Program:

// Header files section
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using std::string; 
using std::cout; 
using std::endl;

// getProductID function implementation
int getProductID(int ids[], string names[], int numProducts, string target)
	for (int i = 0; i < numProducts; i++)
		if (names[i] == target)
			return ids[i];

	// throw an error message
	throw (target + " is not found.");

} // end of getProductID function

// start main function
int main()
	int productIds[] = { 4, 5, 8, 10, 13 };
	string products[] = { "computer", "flash drive", "mouse", "printer", "camera" }; 

	// use try/catch to handle the exceptions
		cout << getProductID(productIds, products, 5, "mouse") << endl;
		cout << getProductID(productIds, products, 5, "camera") << endl;
		cout << getProductID(productIds, products, 5, "laptop") << endl;
	catch (string message)
		// print the error message
		cout << "Error: " << message << endl;

	return 0;
} // end of main function

Sample Output:

0 0


Post the discussion to improve the above solution.