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Walter Savitch ,julia Lobur
Functions For All Subtasks
Programming Projects
Question:5 | ISBN:9780321531346 | Edition: 7


Write a program that tells what coins to give out for any amount of
change from 1 cent to 99 cents. For example, if the amount is 86 cents, the
output would be something like the following:
86 cents can be given as
3 quarter(s) 1 dime(s) and 1 penny(pennies)
Use coin denominations of 25 cents (quarters), 10 cents (dimes), and 1
cent (pennies). Do not use nickel and half-dollar coins. Your program
will use the following function (among others):
void compute_coin(int coin_value, int& number, int& amount_left);
//Precondition: 0 < coin_value < 100; 0 <= amount_left < 100.
//Postcondition: number has been set equal to the maximum number of coins
//denomination coin_value cents that can be obtained from amount_left
//amount_left has been decreased by the value of the coins, that is,
//decreased by number*coin_value.
For example, suppose the value of the variable amount_left is 86 . Then,
after the following call, the value of number will be 3 and the value of
amount_left will be 11 (because if you take 3 quarters from 86 cents, that
leaves 11 cents):
compute_coins(25, number, amount_left);
Include a loop that lets the user repeat this computation for new input
values until the user says he or she wants to end the program. Hint: Use
integer division and the % operator to implement this function.




#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void computeCoin(int coin_value, int &number, int &amount);
void inputData(int &amount);

int main()
	int amount,number;
	char option;

		cout << amount << " cents can be given as" 
			<< endl;
		computeCoin(25, number, amount); 
		cout << number << " quarter(s) ";
		computeCoin(10, number, amount); 
		cout << number << " dime(s) ";
		cout << amount << " penny(pennies)" << endl;
		cout << "Do you want to continue again?(Y/N): ";
		cin >> option;
		cout << endl;
	}while(option == 'Y' || option == 'y');
	return 0;
void computeCoin(int coin_value, int &number, int &amount)
	number = amount / coin_value;
	amount = amount - number * coin_value;
void inputData(int &amount)
	cout << "Enter the amount of change in cents: ";
	cin >> amount;
	while(amount < 1 || amount > 99)
		cout << "Amount between 1 and 99 (inclusive): ";
		cin >> amount;
	cout << endl;


Enter the amount of change in cents: 100
Amount between 1 and 99 (inclusive): 86

86 cents can be given as
3 quarter(s) 1 dime(s) 1 penny(pennies)
Do you want to continue again?(Y/N): n


0 0


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