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Walter Savitch ,julia Lobur
Defining Classes
Self-test Exercises
Question:22 | ISBN:9780321531346 | Edition: 7


Suppose your program contains the following class definition (along with

definitions of the member functions):

class YourClass



YourClass(int new_info, char more_new_info);

YourClass( );

void do_stuff( );


int information;

char more_information;


Which of the following are legal?

YourClass an_object(42, 'A');

YourClass another_object;

YourClass yet_another_object( );

an_object = YourClass(99, 'B');

an_object = YourClass( );

an_object = YourClass;



Let's analyze each statement to determine if it is legal:

  1. YourClass an_object(42, 'A');

    • Legal: This statement creates an object an_object of type YourClass and calls the constructor YourClass(int new_info, char more_new_info) with arguments 42 and 'A' to initialize its member variables information and more_information.
  2. YourClass another_object;

    • Legal: This statement creates an object another_object of type YourClass and calls the default constructor YourClass() to initialize its member variables information and more_information.
  3. YourClass yet_another_object( );

    • Legal: This statement also creates an object yet_another_object of type YourClass and calls the default constructor YourClass() to initialize its member variables information and more_information. Note that the parentheses () are optional here.
  4. an_object = YourClass(99, 'B');

    • Legal: This statement creates a temporary object of type YourClass using the constructor YourClass(int new_info, char more_new_info) with arguments 99 and 'B', and then uses the assignment operator = to assign the temporary object to the an_object.
  5. an_object = YourClass( );

    • Legal: This statement creates a temporary object of type YourClass using the default constructor YourClass() and then uses the assignment operator = to assign the temporary object to the an_object.
  6. an_object = YourClass;

    • Not Legal: This statement attempts to assign the class type YourClass to the object an_object, which is not allowed. It should provide arguments to call a constructor or use the default constructor if no arguments are needed.

In summary, the legal statements are:

  • YourClass an_object(42, 'A');
  • YourClass another_object;
  • YourClass yet_another_object();
  • an_object = YourClass(99, 'B');
  • an_object = YourClass();

The last statement (an_object = YourClass;) is not legal and should be avoided.

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