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Walter Savitch ,julia Lobur
Standard Template Library
Programming Projects
Question:7 | ISBN:9780321531346 | Edition: 7


In this project you are to create a database of books that are stored using a vector. Keep track of the author, title, and publication date of each book.

Your program should have a main menu that allows the user to select

from the following: (1) Add a book’s author, title, and date, (2) Print an

alphabetical list of the books sorted by author, and (3) Quit.

You must use a class to hold the data for each book. This class must hold

three string fields, one to hold the author’s name, one for the publication

date, and another to hold the book’s title. Store the entire database of

books in a vector in which each vector element is a book class object.

To sort the data, use the generic sort function from the <algorithm>

library. Note that this requires you to define the < operator to compare

two objects of type Book so that the author field from the two books are


A sample of the input/output behavior might look as follows. Your I/O

need not look identical, this is just to give you an idea of the functionality.

Select from the following choices:

1. Add new book

2. Print listing sorted by author

3. Quit


The books entered so far, sorted alphabetically by artist are:

Kauffman, At Home in the Universe, 1996

Savitch, Walter. Problem Solving with C++. 2006.

Sturgeon, Theodore. More Than Human. 1953.


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