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Shelly Cashman Series, Jessica Minnick
Building A Webpage Template With Html5
In The Labs
Question:3 | ISBN:9781305578166 | Edition: 8


Lab 3: Expand Your World
File and Folder Best Practices
Problem: Websites consist of many  files such as webpages, images, and other  files used to complete the website. In this chapter
you were introduced to a folder organization that encouraged the use of five folders for a single website to keep the files well organized.
In this exercise you’ll expand your knowledge of file and folder management best practices.

1. Open the filefolderbestpractices.docx document from the Data Files for Students.
2. Using the information in this chapter as well as the web, complete the two tables by answering the questions posed in each. The
    first table, File and Folder Organization, asks questions aboutthe types of files and the file name extensions of the files stored in
    the folders presented in Figure 2–4. The second table, File and Folder Naming Conventions, asks questions about best practices
    associated with file and folder names.

3. Identify three potential problems that could occur if you stored all of the files for an entire website in one folder. Identify three
    potential problems that could occur if you did not follow “best practice” file and folder naming conventions.



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