The Tradition of Sharing

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Shelly Cashman Series, Jessica Minnick
Building A Webpage Template With Html5
Consider This: Your Turn
Question:3 | ISBN:9781305578166 | Edition: 8


3. Create the Home Page for the Dog Hall of Fame
Research and Collaboration
Part 1: In Chapter 1, you completed the dog hall of fame website planning document to craft the purpose, content, and organization of the website.
In this exercise, each member of your team will create the initial html semantic wireframe for the home page and add some content. Start by
entering the basic required HTML tags in a new HTML document in your HTML editor. Include an appropriate title for the webpage. Next, enter
the four pairs of HTML tags to define the <header>, <nav>, <div id="main">, and <footer> sections according to your wireframe. Add a <!--end main>

comment immediately after the closing </div> tag to better identify the end  of the main content. Insert content in the header and nav sections
using the planning document you created in Chapter 1 as a guide. Below the DOCTYPE declaration, insert a comment with your first
and last names and the current date. Use other comments as placeholders for content that you will add in later chapters. Name the webpage dogfame02.html.

Part 2: Your team will require content in several areas. Assign one or more content areas to each team member to research. Ask each member
to gather or create sample content to use in the website to represent the three different awards of Hero, Working, and Companion dog as described
     • Hero dog: Find articles and pictures of dogs that have heroic stories. Hero dogs are ordinary dogs with extraordinary stories.
     • Working dog: Find articles and pictures of dogs with astonishing stories in the “working dog” category. Examples include dogs
       who work to protect people, livestock, and property as well asdogs who hunt or track. Identify the common breeds of working dogs.
     • Companion dog: Find articles and pictures of dogs that have amazing stories in the area of human companionship. Any dog can be
       a “companion” dog but examples often include dogs who provide an extraordinary benefit to someone who is suffering from health issues or other hardships.


Collect your research in a document in Word named dogfame02.docx. Submit your assignment in the format specifid by your instructor.



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