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Walter Savitch ,kenrick Mock
Linked Data Structures
Programming Projects
Question:6 | ISBN:9780132830317 | Edition: 5


Write an addSorted method for the generic linked list from Display 15.8 such that the method adds a new node in the correct location so that the list remains in sorted order. Note that this will require that the type parameter T extend the Comparable interface. Write a suitable test program.



public class LinkedList3<T extends Comparable<T>>
    private class Node<T>
        private T data;
        private Node<T> link;

        public Node( )
             data = null;
             link = null;

        public Node(T newData, Node<T> linkValue)
            data = newData;
            link = linkValue;
     }//End of Node<T> inner class

    private Node<T> head;

    public LinkedList3( )
        head = null;

//***********ADDSORTED METHOD**********************/

    public void addSorted(T itemData){    

        if(head == null){//If there is no head 
            head = new Node<T>(itemData, null);//Then Create a head
            if ( >=0){//If the parameter number is smaller than the head data
                head = new Node<T>(itemData, head);//Then just create a Node with that data and make it the new head
                Node<T> current = head;//Sets the current pointer to the head node
                Node<T> previous = null;

                while ( !=null && <= 0){//As long as the pointer does not fall off the end of the list AND the next pointer data is larger than the new data
                    previous = current;//get a copy of the current pointer to be used later
                    current =;//keeps pointer moving down the list

                if( >= 0){
           = new Node<T>(itemData,current);//Inserts a Node before the next largest number compared to itemData
           = new Node<T>(itemData, null);//Adds a Node at the very end if it is the largest

     Adds a node at the start of the list with the specified data.
     The added node will be the first node in the list.
    public void addToStart(T itemData)
        head = new Node<T>(itemData, head);

     Removes the head node and returns true if the list contains at least
     one node. Returns false if the list is empty.
    public boolean deleteHeadNode( )
        if (head != null)
            head =;
            return true;
            return false;

     Returns the number of nodes in the list.
    public int size( )
        int count = 0;
        Node<T> position = head;
        while (position != null)
            position =;
        return count;

    public boolean contains(T item)
        return (find(item) != null);

     Finds the first node containing the target item, and returns a
     reference to that node. If target is not in the list, null is returned.
    private Node<T> find(T target)
        Node<T> position = head;
        T itemAtPosition;
        while (position != null)
            itemAtPosition =;
            if (itemAtPosition.equals(target))
                return position;
            position =;
        return null; //target was not found

     Finds the first node containing the target and returns a reference
      to the data in that node. If target is not in the list, null is returned.
    public T findData(T target)
        return find(target).data;

    public void outputList( )
        Node<T> position = head;
        while (position != null)
            System.out.print( + " ");
            position =;

    public boolean isEmpty( )
        return (head == null);

    public void clear( )
        head = null;

    For two lists to be equal they must contain the same data items in
    the same order. The equals method of T is used to compare data items.
   public boolean equals(Object otherObject)
        if (otherObject == null)
            return false;
        else if (getClass( ) != otherObject.getClass( ))
            return false;
            LinkedList3<T> otherList = (LinkedList3<T>)otherObject;
            if (size( ) != otherList.size( ))
                return false;
            Node<T> position = head;
            Node<T> otherPosition = otherList.head;
            while (position != null)
                if (!(
                    return false;
                position =;
                otherPosition =;
            return true; //no mismatch was not found

import java.util.Random;

public class Main_SortedList{

    public static void main(String args[]) {
        LinkedList3 unsortedList = new LinkedList3<Integer>();
        LinkedList3 sortedList = new LinkedList3<Integer>();
        LinkedList3 sortedFruit = new LinkedList3<String>();
        LinkedList3 unsortedFruit = new LinkedList3<String>();
        Random rand = new Random();

        int number;

        int [] numbers = new int [15];
        String[] fruits = {"bannana", "apple", "pinapple", "grape", "avocado", "stawberry", "watermellon", "peach", "pear", "papaya", "apricot"};
        //create 15 random numbers and add them to a linked list
        for(int x = 0; x < 15; x++){
            number = rand.nextInt(100);
            numbers[x] = number;
        System.out.println("Add to list unsorted: " );

        for(int data : numbers){
        System.out.println("Add to sorted List: ");

        for(String fruit : fruits){
        System.out.println("Add to unsorted List: ");

        for(String fruit : fruits){
        System.out.println("Add to sorted List: ");



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