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Walter Savitch ,kenrick Mock
Linked Data Structures
Programming Projects
Question:8 | ISBN:9780132830317 | Edition: 5


The hash table from Display 15.34 hashed a string to an integer and stored the same string in the hash table. Modify the program so that instead of storing strings, it stores Employee objects as defined in Display 7.2. Use the name instance variable as the input to the hash function. The modification will require changes to the linked list, because the LinkedList2 class created only linked lists of strings. For the most generality, modify the hash table so that it uses the generic LinkedList3 class defined in Display 15.8. You will also need to add a get method that returns the Employee object stored in the hash table that corresponds to the input name. Test your program by adding and retrieving several names, including names that hash to the same slot in the hash table.


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