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Tony Gaddis
Repetition Structures
Algorithm Workbench
Question:2 | ISBN:9780132576376 | Edition: 2


Write a while loop that asks the user to enter two numbers. The numbers should be added and the sum displayed. The loop should ask the user if he or she wishes to perform the operation again. If so, the loop should repeat, otherwise it should terminate.



repeat = True
#Prompt and read the two numbers
while repeat:
    firstNumber = float(input("Enter the first number: "))
    secondNumber = float(input("Enter the second number: "))
    #Calculate the sum
    sum = firstNumber + secondNumber
    print("The sum is:", sum)
    #The loop should ask the user if he or she wishes to 
    #perform the operation again. If so, the loop should
    #repeat, otherwise it should terminate.
    userChoice = input("Do you want to perform the operation again? (y/n): ")
    if userChoice.lower() != 'y':
        repeat = False

Executed Output:

Enter the first number: 20
Enter the second number: 300
The sum is: 320.0
Do you want to perform the operation again? (y/n): y
Enter the first number: 25
Enter the second number: -5
The sum is: 20.0
Do you want to perform the operation again? (y/n): n


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