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Michael T. Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia, Michael H. Goldwasser
Priority Queues
Question:55 | ISBN:9781118771334 | Edition: 6


One of the main applications of priority queues is in operating systems—for scheduling jobs on a CPU. In this project you are to build a program that schedules simulated CPU jobs. Your program should run in a loop, each iteration of which corresponds to a time slice for the CPU. Each job is assigned a priority, which is an integer between−20 (highest priority) and 19 (lowest priority), inclusive. From among all jobs waiting to be processed in a time slice, the CPU must work on a job with highest priority. In this simulation, each job will also come with a length value, which is an integer between 1 and 100, inclusive, indicating the number of time slices that are needed to process this job. For simplicity, you may assume jobs cannot be interrupted—once it is scheduled on the CPU, a job runs for a number of time slices equal to its length. Your simulator must output the name of the job running on the CPU in each time slice and must process a sequence of commands, one per time slice, each of which is of the form “add job  name with length n and priority p” or “no new job this slice”.


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