The Tradition of Sharing

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To start with, Sr2Jr’s first step is to reduce the expenses related to education. To achieve this goal Sr2Jr organized the textbook’s question and answers. Sr2Jr is community based and need your support to fill the question and answers. The question and answers posted will be available free of cost to all.


Michael T. Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia, Michael H. Goldwasser
Graph Algorithms
Question:27 | ISBN:9781118771334 | Edition: 6


There are eight small islands in a lake, and the state wants to build seven bridges
to connect them so that each island can be reached from any other one via one or
more bridges. The cost of constructing a bridge is proportional to its length. The
distances between pairs of islands are given in the following table.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 240 210 340 280 200 345 120
2 - - 265 175 215 180 185 155
3 - - - 260 115 350 435 195
4 - - - - 160 330 295 230
5 - - - - - 360 400 170
6 - - - - - - 175 205
7 - - - - - - - 305
8 - - - - - - - -
Find which bridges to build to minimize the total construction cost.


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