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Shelly Cashman Series, Jessica Minnick
Creating Interactivity With Social Media And Javascript
In The Labs
Question:3 | ISBN:9781305578166 | Edition: 8


Lab 3: Expand Your World Creating a Hamburger Icon
Problem: In this chapter you explored JavaScript and how it is used to create interaction within
a website. As noted in the chapter, JavaScript is used to create the familiar hamburger icon, commonly
found near the top of mobile websites to serve as a menu button. In this exercise, you will
explore how to create the hamburger icon with JavaScript.
1. Use your browser to search for more information about the hamburger icon and discuss how it is used.
2. Discuss the various ways to create a hamburger icon.
3. Identify three resources that demonstrate how to create a functional hamburger icon and include an
    example of the code required from at least one resource. Include links to all of your resources.
4. Should mobile websites embrace the hamburger icon? Why or why not? Discuss your findings.
5. Submit your answers in the format specified by your instructor.
6. In this exercise, you discovered various ways to create a functional hamburger icon. Research and discuss the JavaScript Sidr plugin.


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