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Walter Savitch ,kenrick Mock
Programming Projects
Question:10 | ISBN:9780132830317 | Edition: 5


Given the definition of a 2D array such as the following,

String[][] data = {

{"A", "B"},

{"1", "2"},



write a recursive program that outputs all combinations of each subarray in order. In the previous example, the desired output (although it does not have to be in this order) is

A 1 XX

A 1 YY

A 1 ZZ

A 2 XX

A 2 YY

A 2 ZZ

B 1 XX

B 1 YY

B 1 ZZ

B 2 XX

B 2 YY

B 2 ZZ

Your program should work with arbitrarily sized arrays in either dimension. For

example, the following data

String[][] data = {






should output:

A 1 2 YY

A 1 2 YY




public class Test Demo

    // Recursive method to print all combinations of the 2D array
    private static void printCombinations(String[][] data, String[] currentCombination, int level)
        // If the level reaches the number of rows in the 2D array, we have a complete combination
        if (level == data.length)
            for (String value : currentCombination)
                System.out.print(value + " ");

        // Loop through the elements of the current row and recursively call for the next level
        for (String item : data[level]) {
            currentCombination[level] = item;
            printCombinations(data, currentCombination, level + 1);

    public static void main(String[] args)
        String[][] data = {
            {"A", "B"},
            {"1", "2"},
            {"XX", "YY", "ZZ"}

        // Calculate the total number of combinations and initialize the array
        //to store the current combination
        int totalCombinations = 1;
        for (String[] row : data) {
            totalCombinations *= row.length;
        String[] currentCombination = new String[data.length];

        // Print all combinations
        printCombinations(data, currentCombination, 0);


A 1 XX 
A 1 YY 
A 1 ZZ 
A 2 XX 
A 2 YY 
A 2 ZZ 
B 1 XX 
B 1 YY 
B 1 ZZ 
B 2 XX 
B 2 YY 
B 2 ZZ 


0 0


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