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Walter Savitch ,julia Lobur
I/o Streams As An Introduction To Objects And Classes
Self-test Exercises
Question:20 | ISBN:9780321531346 | Edition: 7


Write the definition for a void function called to_screen. The function

to_screen has one formal parameter called file_stream, which is of

type ifstream. The precondition and postcondition for the function are

as follows:

//Precondition: The stream file_stream has been connected

//to a file with a call to the member function open. The

//file contains a list of integers (and nothing else).

//Postcondition: The numbers in the file connected to

//file_stream have been written to the screen one per line.

//(This function does not close the file.)



void to_screen(ifstream& file_stream)


int next;

while (file_stream >> next)

cout << next << endl;


0 0


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