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Walter Savitch ,julia Lobur
Self-test Exercises
Question:10 | ISBN:9780321531346 | Edition: 7


Suppose you have the following array declaration in your program:

int your_array[7];

Also, suppose that in your implementation of C++, variables of type int use two bytes of memory. When you run your program, how much memory will this array consume? Suppose that when you run your program, the system assigns the memory address 1000 to the indexed variable your_array[0].

What will be the address of the indexed variable your_array[3]?



In C++, the memory consumed by an array is determined by the size of each element multiplied by the total number of elements in the array. In this case, the array your_array is declared as int your_array[7], and assuming that variables of type int use two bytes of memory, the total memory consumed by the array would be:

       Total memory = size of each element * total number of elements

       Total memory = 2 bytes * 7 elements

        Total memory = 14 bytes

Therefore, the array your_array will consume 14 bytes of memory.


Given that the system assigns the memory address 1000 to the indexed variable your_array[0], then calculate the address of the indexed variable your_array[3] by taking into account the size of each element.

To calculate the address of your_array[3], we can use the following formula:

     Address of element N = Address of the first element + (N * size of each element)

     Address of your_array[3] = 1000 + (3 * 2)

     Address of your_array[3] = 1000 + 6

     Address of your_array[3] = 1006


Hence, the address of the indexed variable your_array[3] would be 1006.

0 0


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