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To start with, Sr2Jr’s first step is to reduce the expenses related to education. To achieve this goal Sr2Jr organized the textbook’s question and answers. Sr2Jr is community based and need your support to fill the question and answers. The question and answers posted will be available free of cost to all.


Walter Savitch ,julia Lobur
Defining Classes
Self-test Exercises
Question:30 | ISBN:9780321531346 | Edition: 7


Define a function called copy_char that takes one argument that is an

input stream. When called, copy_char will read one character of input

from the input stream given as its argument and will write that character

to the screen. You should be able to call your function using either cin or

an input-file stream as the argument to your function copy_char. (If the

argument is an input-file stream, then the stream is connected to a file

before the function is called, so copy_char will not open or close any

files.) For example, the first of the following two calls to copy_char will

copy a character from the file stuff.dat to the screen, and the second will

copy a character from the keyboard to the screen:

ifstream fin;"stuff.dat");




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