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Walter Savitch ,julia Lobur
Exception Handling
Programming Projects
Question:6 | ISBN:9780321531346 | Edition: 7


(Based on a problem in Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language, 3rd edition)

Write a program consisting of functions calling one another to a calling

depth of 10. Give each function an argument that specifies the level at

which it is to throw an exception. The main function prompts for an

receives input that specifies the calling depth (level) at which an exception will be thrown. The main function then calls the first function. The main function catches the exception and displays the level at which the exception was thrown. Don't forget the case where the depth is 0, where main must both throw and catch the exception.

Hints: You could use 10 different functions or 10 copies of the same

function that call one another, but don’t. Rather, for compact code, use

a main function that calls another function that calls itself recursively.

Suppose you do this; is the restriction on the calling depth necessary?

This can be done without giving the function any additional arguments,

but if you cannot do it that way, try adding an additional argument to

the function.


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