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Stuart Reges, Marty Stepp
Introduction To Parameters And Objects
Programming Projects
Question:2 | ISBN:9780136091813 | Edition: 2


A certain bank offers 6.5% interest on savings accounts, compounded annually. Create a table that shows how much money a person will accumulate over a period of 25 years, assuming that the person makes an initial investment of $1000 and deposits $100 each year after the first. Your table should indicate for each year the current balance, the interest, the new deposit, and the new balance.




public class Ch03PP02
	public static void main(String[] args)
		double P = 1000;		
		double r = 0.065; // 6.5%
		double t = 1; // yearly term
		int n = 25;
		double deposit = 100;
		double A;
		double interest;
		double newBalance;
		for(int year = 1; year <= n; year++)
			A = P * (1 + r * t);
			interest = A - P;
			newBalance = A + deposit;
			System.out.println(year + "\t" + round2(P) + "\t\t\t" + round2(interest) 
									+ "\t\t" + round2(deposit) + "\t\t" + round2(newBalance));
			P = newBalance;
	public static double round2(double value)
		return Math.round(value * 100.0) / 100.0;


1	1000.0			65.0		100.0		1165.0
2	1165.0			75.72		100.0		1340.73
3	1340.73			87.15		100.0		1527.87
4	1527.87			99.31		100.0		1727.18
5	1727.18			112.27		100.0		1939.45
6	1939.45			126.06		100.0		2165.52
7	2165.52			140.76		100.0		2406.27
8	2406.27			156.41		100.0		2662.68
9	2662.68			173.07		100.0		2935.76
10	2935.76			190.82		100.0		3226.58
11	3226.58			209.73		100.0		3536.31
12	3536.31			229.86		100.0		3866.17
13	3866.17			251.3		100.0		4217.47
14	4217.47			274.14		100.0		4591.6
15	4591.6			298.45		100.0		4990.06
16	4990.06			324.35		100.0		5414.41
17	5414.41			351.94		100.0		5866.35
18	5866.35			381.31		100.0		6347.66
19	6347.66			412.6		100.0		6860.26
20	6860.26			445.92		100.0		7406.18
21	7406.18			481.4		100.0		7987.58
22	7987.58			519.19		100.0		8606.77
23	8606.77			559.44		100.0		9266.21
24	9266.21			602.3		100.0		9968.51
25	9968.51			647.95		100.0		10716.47


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