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Stuart Reges, Marty Stepp
Conditional Execution
Programming Projects
Question:6 | ISBN:9780136091813 | Edition: 2


A useful technique for catching typing errors is to use a check digit. For example, suppose that a school assigns a six-digit number to each student. A seventh digit can be determined from the other digits with the use of the following formula:
7th digit = (1 * (1st digit) + 2 * (2nd digit) + . . . + 6 * (6th digit)) % 10
When a user types in a student number, the user types all seven digits. If the number is typed incorrectly, the check digit will fail to match in 90% of the cases. Write an interactive program that prompts for a six-digit student number and reports the check digit for that number, using the preceding formula.




//Header file section
import java.util.Scanner;

//Main class name,CheckDigitCalculatorDemo
public class CheckDigitCalculatorDemo 
    public static void main(String[] args) 
        // Create a Scanner object to read user input
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;

        // Prompt for and read the six-digit student number
        System.out.print("Enter the six-digit student number: ");
        String studentNumber =;

        // Check if the input has exactly six digits
        if (studentNumber.length() != 6 || !studentNumber.matches("\\d+")) 
            System.out.println("Invalid input. Please enter a six-digit number.");

        // Convert the input to an integer array for each digit
        int[] digits = new int[6];
        for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) 
            digits[i] = Integer.parseInt(Character.toString(studentNumber.charAt(i)));

        // Calculate the check digit using the formula
        int checkDigit = calculateCheckDigit(digits);

        // Output the check digit
        System.out.println("Check Digit: " + checkDigit);

    // Method to calculate the check digit using the given formula
    private static int calculateCheckDigit(int[] digits) 
        int sum = 0;

        // Calculate the sum of products of each digit with its corresponding position
        for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
            sum += (i + 1) * digits[i];

        // Calculate the check digit using the modulo operation
        return sum % 10;



Enter the six-digit student number: 123456
Check Digit: 4


0 0


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