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Stuart Reges, Marty Stepp
Program Logic And Indefinite Loops
Question:6 | ISBN:9780136091813 | Edition: 2


Write a method called makeGuesses that guesses numbers between 1 and 50 inclusive until it makes a guess of at least 48. It should report each guess and at the end should report the total number of guesses made. Here is a sample execution:
guess = 43
guess = 47
guess = 45
guess = 27
guess = 49
total guesses = 5



package indefinite_loops;

import java.util.Random;

public class GuessCount {

	public int makeGuesses() {

		// use Random class to generate numbers
		Random random = new Random();

		// to store the random value
		int guessedNo;
		// keep track of guess count
		int numOfGuesses = 0;

		// loops infinitely till it met our condition
		while (true) {

			// since nextInt() method include 0 and exclude 50, add 1; now range becomes 1-50
			guessedNo = random.nextInt(50) + 1;
			// increment each time it enter loop

			if (guessedNo > 48)
				return numOfGuesses;

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		GuessCount guessCount = new GuessCount();
		int count = guessCount.makeGuesses();
		System.out.println("number of guesses it took to guess number at least 48 is: " +count);


number of guesses it took to guess number at least 48 is: 28


0 0


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