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Stuart Reges, Marty Stepp
Searching And Sorting
Programming Projects
Question:4 | ISBN:9780136091813 | Edition: 2


Write a program that discovers all anagrams of all words listed in an input file that stores the entries in a large dictionary. An anagram of a word is a rearrangement of its letters into a new legal word. For example, the anagrams of “share” include “shear”, “hears”, and “hares”. Assume that you have a file available to you that lists many words, one per line. Your program should first read in the dictionary file and sort it, but instead of sorting in alphabetical order it should sort according to each word’s canonical form. The canonical form of a word contains the same letters as the original, but in sorted order. Thus, the canonical form of “computer” is “cemoprtu”, and the canonical form of “program” is “agmoprr”. When your dictionary file is sorted, the word “program” would be placed before the word “computer”, because its canonical form comes first in alphabetical order. Write code to retrieve a word’s canonical form and a Comparator that compares words by using their canonical forms.


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